Launch of the “BE A CEO” campaign

Feb. 22, 2024

Zainiac announces the launch of the new campaign, "BE A CEO," aimed at empowering Zainers to transform their innovative ideas into profitable companies. Through this campaign, we will provide legal, financial, and marketing support to help turn your dreams into reality.

How Does It Work?
If you have a groundbreaking idea, submit it under the "BE A CEO" category on Zainiac. The top five ideas will be shortlisted, and the ideators will receive training from Zainiac mentors to refine their pitches. These pitches will then be presented to our Investment Committee for evaluation.

The Benefits Await!
The winning idea will receive funding of $50K to kickstart their venture. Additionally, the winner will be granted paid leave on an incremental basis after the launch of the start-up company. As the company grows, the Ideator's equity stake will also increase based on the achievement of certain Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

What about my job at Zain?
Rest assured, your job at Zain is secure unless you choose to leave voluntarily. If you do leave and later wish to return, you will be prioritized and instantly notified when vacancies become available.

Show Zain what you can bring to the table. Let's work together to turn your dreams into successful businesses!

Click here to submit your groundbreaking idea.

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