EXCITING NEWS – The Innovation Policy is Official

Jan. 25, 2024

Zainiac was launched in 2017 with a clear goal to drive innovation within Zain. We have seen the power of sharing amazing ideas, pushing boundaries, and breaking stigmas. In the past year, Zainiac focused on Internal Innovation and saw some great ideas submitted and implemented across OPCOs. Thank you to everyone who participated. To further support our ideators and put Zain on the global map of Innovation, this year we’re launching our brand-new Innovation Policy.

The 2024 year-long campaign will focus on Zain’s Strategy and will welcome both internal as well as revenue-generating ideas. To review and monitor the performance of the revenue-generating ideas, we’ve set up an Investment Committee consisting of Directors and Chiefs from Zain Group.

The policy will give you a more detailed view of the general innovation process and how all the different elements come together. The policy is designed to foster an environment that encourages creativity and innovative problem-solving, aligning closely with Zain's vision to be the leading provider of innovation and a digital lifestyle.

Key Policy Elements:

  • Time Allocation:
    Employees with approved innovative ideas will be granted 4 hours per week to work specifically on these projects pending their manager’s approval.

  • Innovation Scores:
    Each ideator and Vanguard member will be assessed on their innovation contribution with a potential boost of up to 10% on their annual IPPs based on the stage of implementation and the progress made by the end of the year.

Click here to view the Innovation policy. The policy will also be available on the Zainers application.

The policy also includes the Vanguards that is relaunching this year:

A structured group of diverse employees within the organization that play a critical role in overseeing, guiding, and managing the innovation process. They are responsible for creating an innovative environment for generating, evaluating, and implementing new ideas, products, or services.

Click here to know your Vanguard. If you would like to be a part of the Vanguard in your OPCO, please submit your application here and the team will contact you.

As we work towards our goal of making Zainiac an award-winning program, we have a new initiative launching this year. Find out more about it in February.

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