Announcing the winners for Q1

April 17, 2023

Dear Zainers,

We are so pleased to share the winners of the first quarterly campaign YOUth and Beyond.

We are proud of all the brilliant ideas that we’ve received and a huge thank you for all the effort and thought you put into solving the challenge. The top 3 winning ideas will be awarded USD 1,500 each upon the completion of the first stage of implementation, and the top Vanguard team will be awarded USD 3,000 for all their dedication and support throughout the quarter.

The Vanguard has carefully reviewed all the ideas submitted to select the best ones from across Zain. Here are the winning ideas:

Technical Mentorship – Raja Jaleel (Zain Kuwait)
Status: To be implemented within Q2
Details: A mentorship program dedicated to the technical departments at Zain Kuwait to enable a direct exchange of both knowledge and expertise. Fresh joiners tend to have more updated knowledge of the newest technology available in the market and could share this knowledge with more experienced employees. On the other hand, more experienced employees can share their experiences and knowledge that can only come from experience with the fresh joiners. This idea is planned to start implementation in quarter 2.

Be My Voice – Hanin Ebrahim Alali and Sanad BinSanad (Zain Bahrain)
Status: Prototype developed
Details: Be My Voice, is a solution developed to ease communication between the deaf community and individuals who are not trained to understand sign language. It works by utilizing AI to translate hand gestures into speech, and can also detect speech and convert it to text.

NGO Program – Sami Elloumi (Zain Group)
Status: Stakeholder confirmation
Details: A consulting program that allows Zain to share its resources and employees with NGOs as part of Zain’s social responsibilities. Zain employees have a lot of experience that would be invaluable to the organizations that we share them with. The value to our employees would be immense as it will help them find a purpose as well as allow them the time to give back to the community. This idea is currently in the process of acquiring stakeholder buy-in.  

Winning Vanguard team – Group + Kuwait

Vanguard Group & Kuwait - Dana AlTahous, Fahed Alshammari, Hassa Alhamdan, Jumanah AlMutawa, Lina Shammas, Mazin Ibrahim, Mohammad AlMohammedi and Saja AlRukhais

Vanguard Group & Kuwait - Dana AlTahous, Fahed Alshammari, Hassa Alhamdan, Jumanah AlMutawa, Lina Shammas, Mazin Ibrahim, Mohammad AlMohammedi and Saja AlRukhais

Thank you all again, we look forward to seeing the great ideas submitted to Zainiac turned into reality and are excited to see more of your ideas in our next campaign.

Watch this space, something innovative coming soon!

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